Scott's Record
What has Scott done in his first four years as a Trustee?

Chosen by Trustees as Vice-Chair of the Board in December 2020
Chosen by Trustees as Chair of Board in December 2021
Serves as the WRDSB's Voting Delegate (and Alternate Director) for the Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA)
Previously sat for two years as a regional representative on OPSBA's Policy Development Work Team
Work ethic
Scott has not missed a meeting during his four year term as a Trustee.
Scott has responded to over 4000 e-mails and/or phone calls from members of the community during his term.
Scott visited 25 schools in 2019 and was on track to visit all of the schools in Waterloo and Wilmot before school visits were stopped due to the pandemic.
Scott currently serves on the following WRDSB committees:
Agenda Development
Director’s Performance Appraisal
Policy Development
Past Director's Bursary
Waterloo Education Foundation Inc. (WEFI) Board of Directors
Previously, he served on the
French Immersion Review Ad Hoc (ending June 2022)
School Resource Officer Review Ad Hoc Committee
Suspension Review Ad Hoc Committee (as Co-Chair)
Trustee Code of Conduct Review Committee
Naming Committee for Laurel Heights Secondary School
Scott moved the motion that created the School Resource Officer Review Ad Hoc Committee, and co-sponsored the motion that created the Suspension Review Ad Hoc Committee.
He moved motions to have the Chairperson write a letter to the Minister of Education to oppose the elimination of the Province's Child Advocate position, and another to express the board's support for maintaining Full Day Kindergarten. He also moved a motion to ask for legal advice on how vaccine requirements could be strengthened beyond provincial reporting mandates.
He wrote a motion for the 2022 OPSBA Annual Meeting (which was ultimately adopted) that called for the Province of Ontario to implement an Indigenous course requirement for graduation, modeled after the one being introduced in the Province of British Columbia.